
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The hungry Tsunami

Hello viewers this week our WALT is the same as last week use prior knowledge when doing text-text connections. our first create task I actually enjoyed the complementary text and challenging text are really fun this week. It told us how Tsunami are formed but the second text was about Tornado and how Tornado was formed. It was real cool and the main story was long but I like the part when her little brother was happy that there a Earthquake because he wanted school to be cancelled so he can go swimming. Our second create task is create a poster and say what to do in a Tsunami (family meeting spots, things to grab etc.) and it was a fast one but the last create task I already know it's gonna be hard and it is. this time we had to write paragraphs. hope you enjoy.

First create task Story/complementary text/ challenging text


The story is about Ana and his family surviving a Tsunami. One day her mum made Ana's hair when she was going to school when she saw something odd about the water it was going down she thought it was a cool thing but then his brother Niko yelled out TSUNAMI and grabbed Ana's hand and pulled her up a hill. But Ana got swept away by the Tsunami from his brother Niko who got hold of a tree.  After a while he grabbed and when she got swept back and grabbed Ana’s hair and dragged her up. There family got together and went somewhere far.

Complementary text

A earthquake happens when there's sudden movement, landslides for the seafloor, land slumping into the sea, large volcanic eruptions or a meteor crashes into the ocean floor. First the gravity tries to pull it down so the sea goes back but then it comes back cause of the wind and it crashes into the land.

Challenging text.

This is A story about a little girl and some animals. The little girl had two bottles together with water inside one bottle and she spun it and flips it over and it made a Vortex/underwater Tornado. Then they looked at it inside her bathtub so they filled it up with water and drained it and once again it made a vortex. Next they all wanted to see a real Tornado so they went to Tornado alley in USA and the sky was green the girl says that's a sigh of a Tornado then they saw it. They know what a Tornado looks like now so they teleport back.

The poster.

What to do in a Tsunami.

1. Do not panic.

2. Listen to the tsunami alarm if there is none then warn all family members.

3. The best choice for a family meeting spot is on the high ground like a hill or a mountain or something like a cliff. 

4. Bring a first aid kit in case anyone gets injured. 

5. Make sure your pets are safe. 

6. Also help other families they might help with other stuff if you help them. 

7. Don't just stand there.


The plan

Once again you can't see it sorry. But I work hard one this is hopefully you like it
do you think I can make any changes?
Any fixing??
Anyways see you in the next post.

Thursday, May 20, 2021


Hello viewers this week our WALT was use prior knowledge when doing text-text connections. I was reading the earthquake and it's when a family survives a earthquake. My first create task was doing complementary text and challenging text. our second create task was to designing a poster of what to do in a earthquake like family spots and supply. our 3rd and last create task was pretend you a are news paper reporter and we had to write about what happened it was enjoyable and hardest hope you enjoy.   

Create task one the story/complementary/challenging text 

 The story

The story is about a family of 4 the brother Ellie the mom and the dad. There was a earthquake in 2010 September the 4. Ellie was awake from the earthquake his dad was also awake and they hid somewhere until it was over. They listened to the radio and the people on the radio suggested to boil drinking water for at least 3 mins. They did as they were told then they went to the shops it was filled with people. Ellie phoned penny if she OK (penny was OK) but no there house so they packed up and moved in with there aunt. Ellie’s house was fine  but the garage is the only place that needs fixing.  

Complementary text 
This text is about a little girl read a book to us it was written after the earthquake it is a 7 min long book i’m not gonna tell you the whole story. there's a cat that got woken by the earthquake and he went outside to check what happened.

Challenging text 
A animation character teach us about earthquake it's like puzzles crashing into each other  they are called tectonic plates so every time a plate hits, slides and bump it creates a earthquake, earthquakes can be felt from miles away.  

Create task 2
Things to do in a earthquake
1. Make sure your family members are safe.  

2.  The best place for a family safe spot is under a desk or if you have more family members the basement is likely the best spot to stay.

3. If the earthquake lasts a while then the supply to bring is some water for the whole family, a first aid kit in case anyone gets hurt, some food any food that can last and a radio and some batteries for it.

4. After the earthquake there is a possibility of aftershocks so listen to the radio until it is safe.
 If you don’t have a radio then just wait a few mins 
Then if it sounds clear, come out of the house and someone might tell you what to do.

5. If you are stuck don’t panic and call 111/911.


Create task 3 
 The Wigram Press
Reporter: Lucas

Ellie family was one of the many families of survived the earthquake. They went to the chops to buy supplies but turns out the shops was flooded with people they listen to the radio and they suggested to boil water for 3 mins. Ellie friend Penny, was also stuck by the earthquake sadly there house was unsafe to live in.   

 The plan


 Sorry but its unreadable. what do you think I can do to make this post better?
Did you enjoy?
Anyways bye bye

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Numicon math work

Hello viewers this week we don't have a WALT but i'm guessing its number, pattern and calculating but basically we are using numicons and if you don't know what that is then you will find out in a second. Our first activity is creating to robots and all the circles have to had to 27 and you had to answer some questions. Our second activity is create your own animal between 20-50 and that was my favorite cause i made a BEE! and i thing bees are cool how they harvest honey but it was also hard getting between 20-50 hope you enjoy!

this was really fun to do and if you want to try it out then click this link then press join then sign up then once you have a account then press this link 

this is it do you think i can do better? anyways  bye bye

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The weird zone reading

 Hello viewers this week our create task is the same as last week but different book and our WALT is evaluate ideas and information in a narrative text. The first task was doing the complementary text and challenging text it was also the hardest one because the text was really long and I didn't know if I had to rewrite the whole thing in my own words so I only did a little bit it was a funny text though. Then we had to change the ending of the story and tell why you changed the ending. Our third create task was ask the characters 5 questions it can be as creative as you like but it has to be connected to the main story and you have to make them answer it. The last create task was my favorite one of the week enjoy.

Create task 1

Complementary text 

Kea point track is a easy one hour track for the incredible mount cook views. Te Anau is  a beautiful lake view it is short hike to hidden lakes and is a short walk for the kids. Margaret Mahy largest playground in the southern hemisphere 

Challenging text

Once a upon time there was a mouse gathering wild beans for the cold winter season but his Neighbor the buffalo came to graze in the meadow. The little mouse did not like it so he challenged the buffalo to a duel 

The buffalo thought it was a joke. The mouse was angry the buffalo then threatens to steep on him but the mouse says i dare you to do it then the mouse said then the buffalo says again you will get squashed. But then the mouse climbed in his ear then he says i'm a master but the buffalo says no.

Create task 2

After they finished the tent the dad did not act weird anymore and the children thought that was weird until they found out that someone familiar was at the camp they still don’t know what it is so they ate dad was acting still normal until at night everyone got invited to a party everyone in the camp site when they went there they released that mum was there and the mum came alone so they got together again that's why dad was not acting weird anymore it like when Mum is around he’s not weird then they sleep then they had a happy life.

I made it this way because I wanted it to be like when ever Mum is around dads normal but whenever she is not around dad acts weird and I also want mum to remember about camp and they get together again I wanted it to be a happy ending and so they can get together again.

Create task 3

5 questions

The Dad, were you sad when your wife left you?

 The children were surprised that your dad was in a bathtub looking at comics?

 The Dad, did you feel stupid when you did’int know you and the family was going camping?

 The children, were you proud of your tent?

 The Dad, were you proud of the children's solution?

 Yes I was sad I can’t really do anything without her so I am really sad.

 Yup we were surprised but it was weird he never looks at comic books.

 It was embarrassing I actually didn’t know that we were going camping. 

 We were proud at first but then it was to messy but we came up with a solution so we did a little change. 

 I was happy because I can now sleep with my daughter and my son.


This is the best I can do so if you enjoyed and learnt something then your welcome 

do you think i need to do some changes? any ways bye bye 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Tanwha problem

Hello viewers our WALT for reading this week is evaluate ideas and information in a narrative text. My first create task I don't know what it is by the second create task is to change the ending of the story. I will show you that first create task first and i'm gonna introduce the characters and the problem and all that stuff. I will you my last create task it was imagine you are a police officer you are interviewing the main character come up with 5 questions you would ask. Then write what they character would answer it can be as creative as you like but it must remain connected to the original story and I think i did pretty well I like that create task the most. Hope you enjoy!!!

The story i read was Taniwha Trouble and the character in the book was the children, Mr Blackadder and Mrs pinkney.
The story was set in a school
And the problem was the heaters was burping and rumbling because there was a Taniwha inside it. How they solved it is by calling Mr Blackadder to fix it. He is the school caretaker he can fix any problems. And at last he got the Taniwha out of the heater lucky it was just a small one he let the children look but one student was the only one who did not see it. THE END

And here are the complementary text and challenging text i want put the full text in but i will describe. 

challenging text 
A long time ago there was two Taniwhas called Ngake and Whataitai Ngake lived in the south of the lake and Whataitai lived in the north of the lake. Ngake nature is energetic and ferocious. Whataitai dreamed about the ocean trying hard to imagine the secret it held. As time went past the Taniwhas grew and grew.

The second create task

I am making my own ending of the story Taniwha problem.

So at the end of the story it was a small Taniwha and the main character could not see it so that's about the last paragraph.

Finally Mr Blackadder go it out it was a HUGE one the size of a Chromebook and every one could see it and they made it a pet for the class so if they are bored they can feed it.Then it had eggs then the whole class can get one and bring it home but the mother remains as a pet so every day the students can pet it everyday.

The reason why I changed it like this is because I wanted it to be BIG so everyone can see it but one student could not see the Taniwha so I feel like if it was bigger than everyone can see it. I made it to have babies then everyone gets one home so you can feed it yourself so you can treat it what ever way you want.

Now for the last create task enjoy!

The 5 question and the 5 answers!

Noah, was it scary that there was a Taniwha in the heater? 

Mr Blackadder, were you surprised that there was a Taniwha in the heater?

Noah, why did you think it was a Taniwha? 

Mrs Pinkney, how do you think the Taniwha got in the heater?

Mr Blackadder, what feeling do you think the Taniwha is going through?

The answer 

Noah answers it was not that scary even though it was the first time a Taniwha got inside our heater. The Taniwha was little and it was so cute so we were not that worried.

Mr Blackadder says yeah i was super surprised for 1 second i thought that was a joke but turns out it was actually real it slipped right out of the pipe now we are taking care of it.

Noah says because this happened at my old school and it made the same noise so I thought it was a Taniwha and it was.

Mrs Pinkney i was probably because there was a leak because it was underground and then the Taniwha managed to somehow get in the pipes or maybe there's a whole city of Taniwhas in the pipes.

Mr Blackadder says it was probably glad and happy or maybe mad because there family might be in there or he might be scared seeing the human world for the first time 

did you like it?

what do you think i could change?

anyways that's it for the post see you next post!